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In 2023, six people were killed and another 227 were injured in crashes with school buses on North Carolina roads (Source: NCDOT Crash Facts).

Watch for Children

If you see a stopped school bus, assume that there are children running to it from multiple directions. Trying to pass a stopped school bus is illegal and endangers kids.


Look for lights

Just like traffic lights, school buses have lights to warn drivers to slow down and stop.


Yellow Lights


Slow down and prepare to stop.

Red Lights


Stop! Look for children crossing.

School bus safety on busy roads

If a school bus stops on the other side of a busy road, do you need to stop? Check your knowledge of the North Carolina School Bus Stop Law with this short video.



The Benefits of School Busses


School buses provide a safe way to get to school

School buses are the safest motorized vehicle for getting children to and from school. In fact, students who ride the school bus are ~ 70 times more likely to get to school safely than students who ride in a car (Source: NHTSA).


School buses help prevent congestion

Tired of traffic? School buses are an efficient way for students to get to school. Each school bus keeps over 27 cars off of the road and out of traffic.

School bus safety for kids

Teach your children how to be safe with these 4 tips:


  • At the bus stop, stand at least three giant steps away from the road.
  • Always watch for traffic, including drivers that may try to illegally get around the stopped school bus.
  • If you drop something while walking to or from the bus, tell the driver before picking it up to make sure they can see you.
  • After getting off the bus, make eye contact with the driver to make sure they can see you. This is especially important when crossing in front of the bus.

Social Media Images

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Maps & Data, Outreach & Educational Materials

School Bus Safety Page


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Graphics, Outreach & Educational Materials

School Bus Safety Social Media Graphics


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Outreach & Educational Materials, Videos

School Bus Safety Videos (YouTube playlist)


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Outreach & Educational Materials

American School Bus Council


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External Partners & Experts

North Carolina School Bus Safety


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Vision Zero Initiative