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Pre-Conference Training Sessions on Monday August 15
  • These optional sessions are available at no additional cost to conference participants.
  • When registering online, select the session(s) you plan to attend. Note the session start time, and please do not register for concurrent sessions.
  • No meals are provided on Monday; breakfast and lunch are on your own.
  • If reserving a hotel room, be sure your Check-in Date is set for Monday, August 15.

Pre-Conference Sessions

SFST: Standard Field Sobriety Test Refresher Training

Monday August 15
8:00am – 12:00pm

What better way to start the day than talking about HGN! Let’s spend a few hours talking about DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing. This four-hour session will review the three phases of DWI Detection and review the three SFSTs. We’ll talk about some common challenges and defenses to DWI to keep us on the right track to detect impaired drivers.

Prior completion of the 24-hour SFST training course is required for this refresher.

Lt. Eric Sweden,
City of Raleigh Police Department (Retired)

Comprehensive Crash Data Starts with You: Crash Reporting to Advance Safety for People who Walk, Bike, and Roll

Monday August 15
9:00am - 3:30pm

People who walk, bike, or use e-scooters or other forms of micromobility represent a disproportionate share of fatalities and severe injuries in roadway traffic crashes. There are many factors that may contribute to a crash and resulting severity, including roadway user maneuvers, type of roadway, type of vehicle, weather conditions, and more. These factors are important to capture for better understanding not only why crashes happen but also next steps for improved safety and interventions. Crash reporting is also important in how State laws are enforced.

Law enforcement officers play a critical role in taking the first steps in reporting crash data. In this workshop, Sarah O’Brien, research associate, and Sgt. Brian Massengill will share the importance of capturing accurate data at the scene of the crash and the life cycle of crash data. They will also link specific crash scenarios to specific State laws related to pedestrian and bicyclist safety to give a more comprehensive picture of those scenarios. They will also explore how crash data and enforcement of specific safety laws can better inform strategies and solutions to improve roadway safety.

Participant Limit:
50 persons

Sgt. Brian Massengill,
Durham Police Department
Sarah O’Brien
Senior Research Associate,
UNC Highway Safety Research Center

Large Truck and Bus Traffic Enforcement Training

Monday August 15
1:00pm – 4:00pm

To address the reluctance of law enforcement officers to conduct large truck or motor coach stops, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has created the Large Truck and Bus Traffic Enforcement Training program. This three-hour course is designed to enhance officers’ knowledge about the dangers of unsafe driving by large trucks and buses. Topics include methods to:

  • Provide for safe, effective commercial vehicle traffic stops
  • Help get dangerous commercial drivers off the road
  • Help detect and deter other serious crimes
  • Reduce serious traffic violations
  • Prevent hazardous cargo spills and crash-related traffic congestion that endanger your community and divert law enforcement from critical responsibilities

Participant Limit:
40 persons

Sgt. Brian Strickland,
Kitty Hawk Police Department (Retired)

ARIDE: Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Refresher Training

Monday August 15
1:00pm – 5:00pm

If it’s been a bit since you last took ARIDE, these dynamic four hours will review important concepts for the ever increasing problem of drug impaired drivers. Start the Traffic Safety Conference out right and refresh your skills here!

Prior completion of the 16-hour ARIDE training course is required for this refresher.

Lt. Eric Sweden,
City of Raleigh Police Department (Retired)

TIM: Traffic Incident Management Systems

Monday August 15
1:00pm – 5:00pm

This presentation is directed toward all responders including Law enforcement officers, Fire, EMS, IMAP, Tow truck drivers and other traffic safety professionals who work in and around the roadway. The goal of this session is to inform responders on how to work toward safe, quick clearance of roadway incidents and how to stay safe while doing so.

Master Ofc. Bradley Meyers,
Apex Police Department

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