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See tracks? Think train.

Freight and passenger trains are always running in North Carolina. Once emergency brakes are applied, it takes a train traveling 55 mph more than one mile, or about 18 football fields, to stop completely (Be Rail Safe).


Stay off of the tracks.

In 2019, 27 people were killed at railroad crossings in North Carolina (North Carolina Operation Lifesaver).





Train Safety: Every 3 Hours a Person or Vehicle is Hit



95 percent of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat a train, or people walking on railroad tracks (Operation LifeSaver).


Stop. Trains Can’t.
For more train safety videos, visit the YouTube Playlist.


How do you stop a train?

In an emergency, look for the blue sign. The number listed can stop the train more quickly than 911.

train safety, report-crossing-signal-malfunction
(NC By Train)

Safety tips:
Walk On Tracks Icon
Never walk or bike on or near the railroad tracks.
Car on Tracks Icon
Never stop your car on railroad tracks.
Train Guards Icon
Stay behind the white lines if crossing guard is down or lights are flashing.
Stay Alert Icon
Stay alert around railroad tracks. Headphones, cell phones, or other distractions could prevent you from hearing or seeing an approaching train.
Call 911 Icon
If your vehicle stalls on a railroad crossing, immediately get out and get far away from the tracks. Find the blue sign located by the railroad crossing and call the number listed – this will get you in contact with the railroad operator directly.
Cross Tracks Icon
Only cross tracks at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings.
Images to Share
Railroad Safety time to stop
Train Safety Every Three Hours Statistic
How to Be Safe
When you are a motorist:
  • Be prepared to stop at the crossing
  • Slow down, look both ways, and listen
  • Understand the signs and warning devices
  • Check that you have enough room on the other side of the tracks for your vehicle to cross safely
  • Never race a train
  • Never stop on tracks

Motorist Grade Crossing Illustration, train safety

When you are a pedestrian:
  • Stay alert—it is easy to get distracted, especially by phones, music, and conversation
  • Stop, look both ways, and listen
  • Follow all signs and instructions
  • Cross tracks only at designated pedestrian or roadway crossings
  • Cross quickly, never stop on the tracks
  • Cross at a 90° angle if crossing with a bike, stroller, or wheelchair, as your wheels can become stuck

Pedestrian Grade Crossing Illustration, train safety

When at a passive crossing:
  • Be extra cautious as passive crossings do not have flashing lights and gates
  • Be prepared to stop at the crossing
  • Slow down, look both ways, and listen
  • Understand the signs
  • Never race a train
  • Never stop on tracks

Passive Grade Crossing Illustration, train safety


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