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In 2023, 504 people killed in motor vehicles on North Carolina roads were not wearing a seat belt (Source: NCDOT crash facts).

Why is seat belt safety important?

Seat belts save lives. Wearing your seat belt on every trip, in every seat, is the best way to keep yourself safe in a vehicle.


Why should all passengers buckle up?

In a crash, an unbuckled person flying through the car can seriously injure or kill other passengers.



If you are in a car with someone who isn’t buckled, speak up! It is your right to protect yourself and others.


Does your child pass the “Seat Belt Fit Test?”

Kids should use booster seats until a seat belt fits them correctly. See if your child passes the Seat Belt Fit Test.

Learn More

Social Media Images

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Data & Analytics

Seat Belt Usage Dashboard

Interactive map of statewide and county-level weighted seat belt use rates for North Carolina



Maps & Data, Outreach & Educational Materials

Seat Belt Safety Page


Graphics, Outreach & Educational Materials

Seat Belt Social Media Graphics


Maps & Data

Seat Belt Usage Dashboard


Outreach & Educational Materials, Posters

“5 to Drive” Teen Driver Safety Poster


External Partners & Experts

Buckle Up NC


Outreach & Educational Materials, Videos

Children’s Traffic Safety Videos (YouTube playlist)


External Partners & Experts, Outreach & Educational Materials

National Child Passenger Safety Board


External Partners & Experts

Safe Kids


Outreach & Educational Materials, Videos

Seat belts Videos (YouTube playlist)


Frequently Asked Questions

Can a seat belt injure me during a crash?

Any injury sustained from a seat belt will be significantly less severe than being thrown from a vehicle onto the road. Without a seat belt, you are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle in a crash. If you are ejected from a vehicle, there is a 75% chance you will be killed.

I’m pregnant. Should I wear a seat belt?

Yes! Always wear a lap and shoulder belt to keep yourself and your unborn child safe. Make sure your seat belt is snug around your hips and pelvic bone (below your belly). Never wear the belt above or across your belly.

Why should everyone in a vehicle wear a seat belt?

In a crash, an unbuckled person flying through the car can seriously injure or kill other passengers. In a 30 mph crash, being hit by an unbuckled 180 pound person is like being hit by a bulldozer!

When is my child big enough to wear a seat belt without a booster seat?

Click here for more information about transitioning from a booster seat to a belt (Source: Buckle Up NC).

What is the history of the seat belt law in North Carolina?

In 1993, North Carolina was the first state to initiate a statewide Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign in the United States. Driver seat belt use in the state rose from 65 percent to 81 percent by July 1994 (NHTSA).

Learn more about the
Vision Zero Initiative