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Never drive sleepy. If you have heavy eyelids, you are not fit to drive.


Drowsy Driving – You can’t fight sleep – TAC ad

More videos are available in the Drowsy Driving YouTube Playlist.


Drowsy Driving and Alcohol comparison

Drowsy driving is as dangerous as illegally driving under the influence of alcohol (Source: The Road to Danger: The Comparative Risks of Driving While Sleepy).



Drowsy Driving Signs

If you find that you are too sleepy to drive, the best thing to do is get a full night’s rest. If that’s not possible, take a 20 minute nap or drink 2 caffeinated drinks (each with as much caffeine as a cup of coffee).


Nodding Off Icon
Nodding off
Blinking Icon
Frequent blinking/long duration blinking
Keeping Eyes Open Icon
Difficulty keeping eyes open
Daydreaming Icon
Memory lapses or daydreaming
Drifting Lane Icon
Drifting from your lane/hitting a rumble strip
Images to Share

If you're sleepy you're not fit to drive



Drowsy driving and prescription painkillers


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