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Child Safety on the Go: Protection with Car Seats and Booster Seats



For more Child Passenger Safety videos, visit the YouTube Playlist.


Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages 1 – 17 in North Carolina (NC Division of Public Health).


Keep your kids safe by ensuring that everyone is buckled up in the right car seat, booster seat, or seat belt.


The best way to ensure that you are using the correct seat for your child is to stop by a free Car Seat Checking Station.

Car Seat Information
car seat safety, child passenger safety
Is your child in the right seat?

There is no magic number – the correct seat is based on a number of factors, including age, weight, height, and maturity.

Click here for information on choosing the right seat for your child.

car seat safety, child passenger safety


The best way to ensure that you are using the correct seat for your child is to stop by a free Car Seat Checking Station.

car seat safety, child passenger safety


In 2017, 325 children under the age of 5 were saved by child passenger seats (Source:

Be a role model

Kids learn how to act on the road from you.  As soon as you turn their car seats forward, they start learning how to drive – even at a very young age.

child passenger safety, car seat safety

Anytime you are traveling – on foot, on a bike,  or in a vehicle – model safe choices to keep your kids safe.

  • Look for people on the road and yield to pedestrians
  • Buckle up every trip
  • Use crosswalks and look both ways before crossing the street
  • Slow down, follow speed limits
  • Don’t touch your phone while driving
  • Change lanes to pass bicyclists

As you travel, talk with your child about what you see and do. The more you explain your thinking process, the more your child will understand about traffic safety.


“Oh look, there’s a person trying to cross the road. I’ll stop and wave to let him cross.”

There are a lot of people out today. I’m going to slow down and be safe.”

I’m going to press this button and wait for the crosswalk signal. Now let’s look both ways to make sure it’s safe to cross.”

child passenger safety, car seat safety

Tips for Parents
  • Register your car seat to receive recall alerts.
  • Try the “Buckle Up game” – when you get into a vehicle with your child, “race” to see who can put on their seat belt faster. This game establishes a habit for your child to always buckle up when entering a vehicle.
  • Talk with your children about how to speak up when they feel unsafe in a car with an adult. Have your child practice what they can say if they notice an adult is texting and driving, not wearing a seatbelt, etc. The more you practice, the more confident your child will be in a real-life situation.
  • Play the SPOTS game when you’re in a vehicle with your young child. SPOTS stands for “See People On The Street.” To play, tell your child to tap their head and say “People!” anytime they see someone walking or rolling on or near a street. This game helps them to learn to always look for people on the road.child passenger safety, car seat safety
Images to Share

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child passenger safety


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