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3rd Annual

NC Vision Zero Leadership Team Institute

What is the NC Vision Zero Leadership Team Institute?

The NC Vision Zero Leadership Team Institute is a team training resource for North Carolina communities that have or are planning to start a Vision Zero initiative. This event, hosted by NC Vision Zero and UNC-Chapel Hill, will provide multi-sector teams with best practice tools and approaches to help them move toward effective Vision Zero planning and implementation. Sessions will be tailored to meet the needs of communities and will give teams the chance to work together to develop a firm Vision Zero foundation and concrete action steps, relevant to their current situation. The Institute will be an opportunity for Vision Zero communities to take a deeper dive into working through complex problems.

You are Encouraged to Apply if:

  1. You are a Vision Zero community in North Carolina.

    We welcome representatives from Vision Zero initiatives at all stages, from early planning to long-standing initiatives looking for ways to sustain progress.

  2. You can build a diverse team of individuals who are ready to discuss and shape next steps for their community’s Vison Zero work

    We are seeking teams of 3-5 people representing at least 3 different sectors (e.g., engineering, public health, land use planning) that can dedicate time to being engaged at the Institute and beyond.

Strategic Skill Areas

Safe Systems and Vision Zero

Learn more about the philosophical basis for Vision Zero, which prioritizes human life and views safety as an interconnected systems issue.

Tactical urbanism/Quick-build projects

Explore strategies and lessons-learned from across NC and the country for implementing short-term, low cost safety projects to get fast results and grow support for long-term efforts and investment in safety.

Cross-sector Collaboration

Engage with members of your team to discover more about the expertise and common goals of your group, drawing on a variety of disciplines.

Effective communication

Improve communication, both internally and externally, to build buy-in and create ownership of your initiative to increase the likelihood of success.

*All sessions will integrate and center the importance of using data-driven strategies and applying an equity lens to all aspects of Vision Zero planning and implementation.

Choose a Team Track

Track A
Creating a Vision and Setting a Goal

This can can include bringing together new partners, working together to identify common goals and assessing community resources, building the structure for effective teamwork). Track A may be a better fit for new Vision Zero initiatives.


Track B
Strategic Planning with a Systems Perspective

This can can include bringing together or reinvigorating a strong team, ensuring equity is centered in plan work, recruiting a strategic champion for the work. Track B may be a better fit for newer Vision Zero initiatives or for a team that is working together, but wants to revisit a structured strategic planning approach to address a specific challenge within your planning work.


Track C
Implementation: Moving from Planning to Action

This can include bringing your plan to strategically map implementation priorities and supports that need to be in place, including evidence-based implementation drivers. Track C may be a better fit for more established initiatives or for teams that have been working together for a while.

Details of the Institute

About: This year’s Leadership Institute will be held in-person, at the UNC Friday Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

Dates: In-person sessions will be held on Monday, June 12th and Tuesday, June 13th, 2023. Additionally we will hold a virtual, half-day Pre-session from 9-12:30pm on June 2nd.

Virtual Pre-session
(1/2 day)

Team Leadership Institute
(full days)


Format: Sessions will include a mix of 1) presentations by experts, 2) introductions of relevant planning tools, and 3) significant time for small group “team time” with a designated facilitator (coach) to apply what is learned to your local community. “Team time” is protected time for your team to work through current planning/implementation challenges and next steps with a facilitator to provide support and structure to the discussion.

Cost: The NC Vision Zero Team Leadership Institute is FREE for accepted teams. Hotel accommodations will also be provided for any teams traveling > 40 miles to Chapel Hill.

Application due date: March 10, 2023

Teams will receive a response from NC Vision Zero by March 17, 2023. Please reach out to Elyse Keefe at with any questions.

Upon request, participants can receive Certificates of Completion that may
be accepted for continuing education credits, depending on requirements.

What you need to apply

  1. Names and contact information for team members that would join you at the Leadership Institute.
  2. A short statement of interest including:
    • Current/proposed activities of the coalition/task force in the coming year
    • Current/anticipated challenges your team faces
    • What your team hopes to achieve at the NC VZ Leadership Institute
  3. Letters of commitment from all attending team members stating the following:

“I agree to serve as an active participant in the 2023 NC Vision Zero Leadership Institute. By providing my signature below, I commit to abiding by the UNC community standards and to participating in all Leadership Institute activities, which include:

  • Attending, engaging, and participating in the virtual Pre-Session (June 2nd) and the two-day in-person sessions of the Team Leadership Institute (June 12th-13th) in Chapel Hill, NC, including active participation in strategic thinking and planning around next steps for my community’s Vision Zero work during the Institute;
  • Completing any assigned outside readings/videos (not to exceed 1 hour);
  • Completing surveys as a part of an evaluation of the Institute.

How to Apply

Once you have the materials detailed above, complete the application here.

Learn more about the
Vision Zero Initiative