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  A motorist in Charlotte stopped on the highway to avoid hitting carpet padding that had fallen from another vehicle. The stopped car was struck from behind, causing the vehicle to hit the concrete barrier and catch on fire. Four passengers were injured and the driver was killed. In Nash County, a motorist swerved to avoid a wooden pallet in the roadway, ran off the road, and overcorrected. The vehicle overturned several times and the crash killed the driver.  

Click here for a brochure of NCDOT’s recommendations.

  On the road, any debris or flying objects can pose a danger to motorists. Between 2012 and 2016, there have been 2,595 crashes from unsecured loads – resulting in 705 injuries and 14 fatalities in our state. To raise awareness about this issue and prevent crashes resulting from loose items, Governor Roy Cooper has declared June 6 “Secure Your Load Day” for North Carolina. This is an effort to make sure all vehicles are properly loaded and our roads are clean of dangerous debris.
Data for unsecured load crashes

Secure Your Load

  1. Make sure everything in your vehicle is tied down. Use straps, twine, bungee cords, netting or rope. Be sure to tie larger items directly to your vehicle.
  2. Keep your items covered with tarps, nets or covers to keep smaller items from flying out.
  3. Don’t overload your vehicle. Your vehicle’s load shouldn’t go above the level of your truck or trailer and all items should be covered to keep them stable.
  North Carolina law requires that all materials being transported in a motor vehicle are securely tied down. Failure to properly secure items can result in a $2,000 fine and a point on your driver’s license. If you are carrying loose items, take the time to properly secure your load.  
Mattress falls off truck, secure your load

Learn more about the
Vision Zero Initiative